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Kristi Sullivan & Brandon Hoak

The Tompkins Pollinator Pathway: What It Is, Why It’s Important, and How You Can Participate

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Kristi & Brandon will share TPP experiences and strategies for engaging community members and partner organizations in creating pollinator gardens, promoting local conservation, and mapping and sharing information on native plantings to develop a pollinator pathway.
The Tompkins Pollinator Pathway (TPP) is a collaboration between Cornell University and the Tompkins County community. Its mission is to bring people together to plant, conserve, and connect pollinator habitats across the county. Pollinators are critical for growing our food crops and supporting natural ecosystems. By connecting people with nature and safeguarding local food supplies, we also aim to support the health and well-being of people throughout our communities. 

About Kristi Sullivan

Kristi Sullivan is Co-Director of the Conservation Education and Research Program in the Dept. of Natural Resources and the Environment at Cornell University. She is also a co-founder of the Tompkins Pollinator Pathway. Her goals are: to encourage and support practical approaches to conserving wildlife and biodiversity; to encourage conservation through engaged learning and hands-on participation via the NY Master Naturalist Volunteer Program; and to facilitate land conservation through strategic conservation planning. Her research focuses on developing practical methods for managing and restoring forest habitats, and determining effective means for sustaining and conserving native wildlife in the face of environmental change.


About Brandon Hoak

Brandon is the native plant specialist and outreach communicator for the Tompkins Pollinator Pathway. TPP is a local organization focused on connecting local gardens to improve and maximize habitat corridors for pollinators. Brandon is the founder of Busy Bee Ecological Designs, an endeavor dedicated to providing native gardening and sustainable landscape design to individuals. 

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