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Suzanne Treyger

Audubon New York




Friday March 1st, 11am

Improving Habitat for Forest Birds: Landscape and Local-scale Management Recommendations


Learn about the habitat needs of a suite of forest birds, and how the application of sustainable forest management can provide quality habitat. Examples of forest management to improve habitat will be provided, and are applicable to a variety of property sizes, including small woodlots.

About Suzanne

Suzanne Treyger is the Forest Program Manager for Audubon NY, and is involved with forest management planning on public and private lands to improve habitat for forest birds. She conducts outreach to land managers and landowners, delivers technical assistance, writes habitat management plans, and implements on-the-ground habitat projects. Suzanne holds a BS from the University of New Hampshire in Wildlife Management and an MS from SUNY ESF in Forest and Natural Resources Management.

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